What a strange year! Very little has been normal, and I sometimes wonder, “What’s next?” With instability all around, I’ve found myself craving “normal.” As I stewed on that thought, I realized that some things have not changed for me. I still have so much to be thankful for. I still have precious family and friends. I have the health to help those who are struggling. I’m still enjoying delicious food and spending time in a very comfortable home (with a cozy fire burning right now)! I'm grateful that the Christmas season brings a feeling of "normal." I'm enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music and movies, and the joy of sharing with others (even if it is via Amazon boxes appearing on their front porches!) Most of all, though, I realize God has not changed and there is reason to celebrate. Christ was born! He is our hope in very insecure and uncertain times. 



The Christmas songs that I have always loved are still the same, and I am finding extra comfort and joy in their message this year. One of my favorite Christmas hymns is "O Holy Night," and I have been humming the tune a lot the past few days. I decided to use some of the lyrics as the focus for a new art piece that I created this week. If you'd like to print and frame it, too, so that you can be visually reminded of what's most important this Christmas season, I've created a FREE printable file for you. Just click the link below and follow the cart instructions. (Don't worry...the system will not require any payment!)


Christmas Hymn Printable: O Holy Night (Free) - Product Link