I'm just going to go ahead and admit something. I do not like coffee. {insert gasps} Are any of you still reading this post? Can we still be friends? :-)
There is nothing better, though, than a big 'ole cup of hot chocolate! It's my favorite drink this time of year. Well, it's only my favorite if it has whipped cream or marshmallows covering the top!
I decided to take my hot chocolate over the top this year by creating the best hot chocolate topping...an adorable marshmallow snowman (plus a mound of whipped cream for bonus points)! Seriously, how can you look at this cup of hot chocolate and not smile?
This snowman is really easy to create, so we've written down all of the instructions so that you can try it at home this holiday season!
You'll need:
- Medium-Sized Marshmallows
- Twizzlers: Red and Black/Brown (We were so excited to find chocolate (brown) Twizzlers at our local Walmart. The black licorice Twizzlers would work fine, too, if that's all you can find. Oh, and if you can find the pull'n'peel Twizzlers, those are the easiest to use!)
Wilton Color Mist: Pink
- Edible Marker: Black
- Cake Pop Sticks
- Parchment Paper
- Single hole punch
Step 1: Create parchment paper template (for the snowman's rosy cheeks).

- Cut a small piece of parchment paper (at least 5 inches wide and 3 inches tall).
- Position your hole punch about 1 inch from the bottom of the parchment paper.
- Punch two holes into the parchment paper at least 3/4 in. apart (beside each other).
Step 2: Paint the snowman's rosy cheeks.

Grab one medium-sized marshmallow, your parchment paper template, and the can of pink color mist. (Hint: you also may want to find some gloves. We learned that this part of the process could dye your hands pink. LOL!)
- Place your parchment paper template on top of the rounded side of the marshmallow.
- Hold the parchment paper down securely on both sides of the marshmallow. Be sure that the parchment paper is quite tight on the marshmallow.
- Gently shake the can of color mist. Position the can of color mist at least 6 inches from your marshmallow and then quickly spray the two holes of your parchment paper template.
- Wait about 5-10 seconds and then gently remove the parchment paper.
Step 3: Draw the snowman's cute face.

- Here's where you can get creative! Use your edible marker to draw your snowman's eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Hint: you may want to practice using your edible marker on a few sample marshmallows. It took me a few tries before I was satisfied with my snowman's look!
Step 4: Assemble your snowman on a cake pop stick.
Are you ready for the easiest step of the whole process?
- Find another medium-sized marshmallow and one cake pop stick.
- Push the cake pop stick all of the way through the plain marshmallow (not the marshmallow with the cute face). Make sure that at least 1/2 in. of the stick is visible at the top of the marshmallow.
- Now, stick the other marshmallow (with the cute face) on top of the cake pop stick.
Step 5: Accessorize your snowman!

Here's where the Twizzlers come in!
- Since I found the pull'n'peel red Twizzlers, I just pulled off one strand and wrapped it between the two marshmallows for a cute scarf look. Super easy! You can trim the scarf if you think it's a bit too long.
- I couldn't find pull'n'peel black/brown Twizzlers, so I used my handy food safe scissors to cut the Twizzler to the thickness I desired for the snowman's arms.
- Insert the arms! I took a pair of food safe scissors and made a small hole on either size of the snowman's body where the arms should attach. This step is optional, but it did make it so much easier for the arms to attach (and stay attached).
- Oh, and if the snowman's arms are a foot long, you should probably trim them now!
- You can use your edible food marker (or circle sprinkles) to add the buttons to the snowman's body.
That's it! Your marshmallow snowman is ready to float (and *melt*) in your delicious cup of hot chocolate! Be sure to add some whipped cream to the top of your cocoa if you want extra goodness and if you want your snowman to last longest!